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recovery time after bunion surgery


Jul, 2019

What To Expect After Bunion Surgery

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If you have been scheduled for bunion surgery Orange County CA, you likely have a lot of questions about recovery time after bunion surgery. Your recovery time can be affected by several variables, but you can expect to be fully healed in a couple of months. If you are suffering from bunions, no one needs to tell you how painful bunions can be. You are not alone. It is estimated…

feet problems


Jun, 2019

Bunion Causes, Treatment, And Prevention

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The enlargement of the joint of the big toe causes bunions. The protrusion typically protrudes from the side of the big toe. When a bunion forms, it pushes the big toes against the other toes, which cause pain and…


Three Easy Steps for Healthy Feet

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From hiking a mountain trail, to walking a mini golf course, to shopping in a mall at Christmas and playing soccer with your kid, your feet carry you through life. Most of us walk every day. School. Work. Play. Before the age of fifty, the average person living in America will have walked up to 75,000 miles. With this much wear and tear, it's no surprise that there are many…



May, 2019

How to Avoid Bunions with Proper Shoe Fit

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A bunion is what’s often lovingly referred to as a “bump” protruding from the side of one’s foot, at the base of the big toe. It’s what happens when the bone or tissue at the MTP -- or metatarsophalangeal…

foot health


Mar, 2019

Non-Surgical Ways to Treat Bunions

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A bunion, or hallux valgus, is a slowly developing bump on a person's big toe joint. It creates pressure on the big toe, which forces the toe to move and changes the bone structure of the affected foot over time. Untreated, bunions can become quite large, causing the first three toes to grow out of alignment and creating calluses from constant friction. Many people opt for surgery to remove these…

foot pain


Jan, 2019

3 Signs That Your Foot Pain Could Be Even Worse

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Approximately 75% of Americans will experience foot health problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in their lives. Though foot pain might not be as severe as back or neck pain, it can still cause all sorts of problems in your daily life. Each foot has 26 bones, meaning that one-quarter of all the bones in your body are in your feet. Even damaging a single…

treatment for bunions


Oct, 2018

5 Treatments For Bunions That Will Help Alleviate Pain

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Approximately 75% of Americans will experience foot health problems of varying degrees of severity at one point or another throughout their lifetime. Bunions are one of the most common and most painful foot-related issues. You should never ignore serious…



Oct, 2018

Protecting Your Feet: Shoes and Mistakes You Should Avoid

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Approximately 19% of the U.S. population has an average of 1.4 foot problems each year. Foot pain is no joke and can cause all sorts of lifelong problems. Sports injuries and physical activity can cause intense foot pain, but even wearing the wrong kind of shoes can have an adverse effect. Here are some common shoe-related mistakes that can lead to serious foot pain down the road: Not measuring your…