For Doctors Only

Why are Dr. Moy’s Procedures SUPERIOR to others?
The lapidus and similar procedures – These procedures tend to be very painful and debilitating. They require plates and screws to fuse the first metatarsal cuneiform joint in the mid-arch. The recovery process often involves a below the knee cast, crutches, and the patient will be non-weight bearing for 3 to 6 weeks. The lapidus or similar procedures are typically reserved for severe bunions with a first intermetarsal angle of 18 degrees or larger and frequently requires a secondary procedure to remove the bunion itself and a tertiary procedure to straighten out the toe. With that being said, there would be three separate incisions on the patient’s foot. Not to mention, patients are prescribed narcotic pain medication for an extended period of time. On the other hand, Dr. Moy’s procedure addresses severe bunion deformities and allows the patient to walk immediately, without the necessity of a below the knee cast or crutches. His procedures allow the patients to experience a painless recovery without the necessity of narcotic pain medication. To prove this, ten severe bunions that Dr. Moy has corrected can be seen below.
MIS (Minimally Invasive Surgery) – A Procedure to address the bump but will not correct the deforming forces that created the problem in the first place, furthermore the procedure will not correct or address intra-articular deformities as seen in almost every bunion nor does it address the I.M. angle or H.A. angle.

 – Involving a tremendous amount of surgical dissection of the entire first metatarsal leading to significant pain and swelling.
Post operative non-weight bearing to foot.
You should survey your patients to find out patient satisfaction, feel free to copy this evaluation and use it for your patients.
See how you score with your patients when it comes to pain. How soon they can walk with no pain in a walking boot. When can they return to normal shoes. When they can star to run.
How happy are they with the appearance, is there a re-occurrence problem?

Share your results with your new patients!
I have found it beneficial to schedule post operative patients at the same time as a new patient for bunion correction, consider doing the same.

Would you like to learn Dr. Moy’s “Painless Bunion Procedure”?
#1 Schedule a time where you can observe a procedure and to discuss in detail.
#2 Schedule a patient and perform the procedure with Dr. Moy at his surgery center.
#3 Request Dr. Moy to be present at your location.